الجامعةالإسلامية عمر فاروق رضي الله عنه شولابور مهاراشترا الهند

Our Goals

Aims And Objectives Of The Trust

أهداف الجامعةالاسلامية عمر فاروق رضي الله عنه
تعليم الكتاب والسنة علي المستوى العالي بجميع ما يتعلق بها من العلوم وتدريس العربية وتخريج علماء متضلعين في العلوم حريصين علي نشر الاسلام علي نهج يتطلبه العصر
نشر العقيدة الصافية والثقافة الاسلامية في بيئات المسلمين عن طريق التعليم والارشاد
نشر العقيدة الصافية والثقافة الاسلامية في بيئات المسلمين عن طريق التعليم والارشاد
ايقاظ الوعي الاسلامي في قلوب المسلمين وإحداث الروح العلمية والغيرة الاسلامية في المسلمين وتذكيرهم بواجبهم ووظيفتهم
دعم الأقليات المسلمة لمساعدتها على المحافظة على شخصيتها الإسلامية وحقوقها في حياة كريمة
قيام شبكة المكاتيب القرأنية في قرى المسلمين للحفاظ علي دين المسلمين



i)   To Establish, promote, set up , run, maintain, assist, finance, support and / or aid to  or help in the setting up and / or maintaining and / or running educational institute, i.e. Nursery, kinder garden, primary school, high school, colleges, etc. and other institute e.g. poor houses, or other establishment for relief and / or help to the poor, old and infirm people and/ or destitute.

ii)   To give provision and / or render help and assistance in cash or kind to poor and / or destitute people, widows, etc.

iii)    To give, provide a/ or render help and assistance a / or employment schemes for providing livelihood and upliftment of the poor.

iv)   To give, provide and / or render monetary and shape form to the poor deserving and needy persons.

v)   To give/ provide and/ or render monetary and or other to the people affected by the natural disaster or other calamities such as flood, fire, famine, cyclone, earth-quake, storm, accident, pestilence, drought, epidemic, unbearable cost of living and the like, to recieve donation, subscriptions or contributions to institutions, establishments, centres or persons doing relief work on such occasions.

vi)   To undertake or to start, all types of activities for the advancement and promotion of education e.g. Arts, Sience, commerce, literature, humanities and all other, subjects Technology, Medicine, surgery, foresee parameters science, engendering etc.

vii)   To establish, maintain or grant aid for the establishment or maintenance of wells, tube-wells, tanks, water-reservoirs ant trees and constructions of  and repairs to paths, roads, bridges, etc for the use of the public.

viii)   To give, provide blankets, rugs, woolen clothes, guilt of cottons woolen, silk or other varieties of cloths or other articles of necessity and facilities for the poor.

ix)   To grant pay or give scholarship stipends, prizes, rewards allowance and others financial assistance or help in cash or coin to the meritorious students irrespective of their caste, creed race and religion with a view to help them in procuting their studies in India or abroad.

x)   To undertake all types of activities for the promotion and advancement of health and medical relief, to the needy and poor person e.g. to open, found to establish promote, set up, run, maintain, assist financial support and / or aid or help in the setting and or maintaining and or run public charitable hospitals, charitable dispensaries, maternity homes, Child welfare centres, convalescent homes, sanatoriums hostels and other similar institutions or centres for rendering or providing medical relief and / or aid to the suffering humanities or for research centres and institutions for promotion of research and education for medical science including surgery, research and education for disease.

xi)   To undertake all types of activities for the advancement and promotion of social and welfare.

xii)   1Welfare of women. 2. Welfare of children. 3. Welfare of youth physically handicap persons. 4. Welfare of people. 5. Welfare of mentally and physically handicap persons. 6. To undertake all types of activities for the advancement and promotion of Arts, Science and culture, languages to promote to assist or maintain of activities by whosoever carried whether in India or abroad with the objects of the Trust and as are conducive to the well being and general welfare of the nation or are conducive for advancement of any object or objects of general public utility not involving carrying on any activity for profit.

xvi)   To publish and or publishing books, pamphlets, periodicals and newspapers in India or outside for spread and advancement of education and culture.